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Simple as A-B-C for half the RDEK
The eastern and southern half of the Regional District of East Kootenay’s (RDEK) electoral areas had their directors acclaimed to office yesterday.
While the central and northern parts of the region will be heading to the polls Saturday, Oct. 20.
Shannon Moskal, Chief Election Officer for the RDEK Monday officially declared Electoral Area A Director Mike Sosnowski, Electoral Area B Director Stan Doehle and Electoral Area C Director Rob Gay elected by acclamation.
Moskal also declared election by voting for candidates running in Electoral Area E, Electoral Area F and Electoral Area G.
Running for office in Electoral Area E are: Nowell Berg, Jack Walkley and incumbent Jane Walter.
Running for office in Electoral Area F are: Dawn Chabot Attorp, Susan Clovechok and Tom Symington.
Running for office in Electoral Area G are: Stephanie Stevens and incumbent Gerry Wilkie.
In addition, Moskal declared elected by acclamation School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) Electoral Area 4 school trustee Amber Byklum.
And she declared an election by voting for School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) for Electoral Area 4, between Jaffray residents Krista Damstrom and Randy Reay.