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District officially opens new municipal office
The District of Elkford has officially begun serving the public from its new Municipal Office.
An official Grand Opening Ceremony, complete with speeches, tours and refreshments, was held May 13 to formally recognize the opening of the newly constructed facility.
Elkford residents and members of the local business community joined Mayor Dean McKerracher, council and staff to celebrate this momentous event.

Mayor McKerracher opened the event with the official ribbon-cutting.
The Mayor provided a brief overview of the project and acknowledged the efforts and contributions of those that helped make the project successful, noting the tremendous efforts of staff. He shared the sense of pride felt by council and emphasized the importance of the new building to the collective operation of the district.
“As a vital facility for the district, the building is a warm, welcoming place for all citizens. It plays a key role in the growth of our community and will serve our residents for many years,” proudly boasted Mayor McKerracher.
The Mayor called upon Patricia Verburgt, Business Development Manager of Scott Builders Inc., to offer a few words. Ms. Verburgt expressed the organization’s excitement to have been involved in such an important project for the district. She added that the entire team enjoyed working in Elkford and getting to know the community.
The $2.5 million facility was designed by Lukas Armstrong from Cover Architecture of Nelson, and constructed by Scott Builders Inc. of Red Deer, Alta. The building is a testament to the district’s commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability; it meets the BC Energy Code’s step 3, the highest possible step for a commercial building. It will use 20% less energy than a conventionally built structure of the same type and size, and solar panels will provide 30 to 40% of its required energy. The solar panels are funded by grants from Clean Energy Canada and the North Growth Foundation’s Solar Now Program, and Columbia Basin Trust.
Thanks to grant funding from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities, a natural gas generator was installed on site and the building will be fully operational in the event of a community emergency.
Aligning with Elkford’s alpine character, the building contributes to the vibrant, mixed-use vision for Elkford’s core and helps to create a lively public gathering space by connecting other key public areas and facilities.
The building is a welcome addition to the community and will enhance service to Elkford’s residents well into the future.
Lead image: Left to right: Marilyn Rookes – Director, Financial Services, Mayor Dean McKerracher, Patricia Verburgt – Scott Builders Inc., Councillor Steve Fairbairn, Councillor Craig Robinson, Councillor Mandy McGregor, Senior Youth Council Representative Erin Mills, Councillor Duncan McDonald.
District of Elkford