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Posted: February 7, 2018

Notes from City Hall

Brownbag Lunch with Mayor McCormick

On Wednesday, February 14, and on the second Wednesday of each month, City of Kimberley Mayor Don McCormick will host a brown-bag luncheon at City Hall from noon until 1:30 p.m. Bring your own lunch and have a discussion with the Mayor.

Family Day Closure

City Hall, Public Works and the Marysville Arena will be closed for BC Family Day on Monday, February 12. The Civic Centre Arena will be open to the public for a free skate from 1 to 4 p.m. The Aquatic Centre will also be open for a free public swim from 1 to 4 p.m.

Waste that would have been picked up on Monday, February 12 will be picked up on Tuesday, February 13. Happy Family Day weekend from all City Staff!

Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2600, 2700 Public Hearing

The city will be holding a Public Hearing for the proposed bylaw at McKim Middle School on Monday, February 19 at 7 p.m. Please visit our website for more information.

Feeding Deer

The Bylaw Officer has been receiving several complaints of residents feeding deer in residential neighbourhoods. Did you know this is in contravention of the City of Kimberley Deer Feeding Bylaw No. 2296, 2006? Fines up to $500 can be issued to anyone caught feeding deer.

To report someone feeding the deer, please call our Bylaw Officer at 250-427-6460 or email [email protected]. View the full bylaw.

Snow and Ice Management Plan

Did you know that the city has a detailed Snow and Ice Management Plan?Ā This plan includes information about when snow clearing begins, how many operators are deployed and what equipment is used.Ā Learn more about Snow Removal and the Snow and Ice Management Plan.

Snow Piles Around the City

We would like to remind residents of the dangers of children sliding on or playing in snow piles that accumulate from plowing and scraping the roads, especially the ones around Mark Creek. The water moves quickly in the creek and the ice is always changing, creating a dangerous area. The snow is often heavy and full of ice chunks, which can also cause injury. Please remind your children that these snow piles are not a safe place to be playing.

Clearing Snow and Ice

Icy sidewalks can be a hazard for everyone including seniors, children, mail carriers, meter readers, firefighters, and paramedics. As the weather warms up and then freezes again, water from melting snow can run onto cleared sidewalks. Here are a few tips to help maintain your walkways:

  • Warm weather during the day can make ice soft,Ā so it’s easier to chip or shovel away.
  • Spread sand or gravel on icy patches to make your sidewalk safer for pedestrians. Spreading sand on a sidewalk before ice forms can also makeĀ future ice easier to remove.
  • Microwaving sand in a microwave-safe container and spreading it while it is still warm will make the sand embed itself into the ice, creating a gritty top layer.
  • Pile snow in a place where it will not run across your sidewalk when it melts and aim your downspouts away from areas where people walk.

Non-Instructional Day Camp

On Monday, February 19 bring your kids to the Aquatic Centre for a day of fun!Ā  This includes indoor & outdoor adventures, swimming, crafts and games! For children four to 10 years of age from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. The cost is $47. For registration and details call 250-427-2983 or visit and follow the link to Aquatic Centre info.

FREE Downtown Shuttle

The Peak to Platzl downtown shuttle is a FREE scheduled service between the ski resort base area, the upper-mountain accommodations, and the downtown shops, pubs and restaurants. The shuttle service operates every day (except statutory holidays) until March 29.

View the shuttle schedule

City of Kimberley

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